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Omega 3 burk

199 kr

• The brain's best friend
• Anti-inflammatory
• Strong & flexible cells

Fish oil capsules with Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is extremely important right from the growth of the fetus in the womb, through the children's growth and brain development to the adult individual and our overall health. These softgels are smaller and easier to swallow. Made in the EU.

Omega 3 is extremely essential all the way from the fetus growth in the womb, through childhood and the brains development and into adulthood and general health. Our fishtail consists of 50% EPA and 25% DHA. Made in the EU.

1 kapsel Omega 3:
Fiskolja 500 mg (-EPA 90 mg -DHA 60 mg), Vitamin E 4,55 mg.

1 kapsel dagligen tillsammans med måltid.
Rekommenderat intag bör ej överskridas. Detta kosttillskott får inte ersätta en allsidig och varierad kost. Förvaras torrt och svalt, utom räckhåll för barn.